Since the fire the one thing that I have had a deficiency in was shoes. I ended up with one pair of Hilfiger tennis shoes (plaid), a pair of Hilfiger flip-flops (also plaid) and a worn out pair of black flat shoes. Last week after my trip to the podiatrist I bought 2 pair of Top-Siders.

But, those will not work with everything -- even though my wardrobe is very limited. My hubby was very kind and patient as he sat in Nordstrom's shoe department yesterday and while I tried on shoes that were kind to my feet. He made sure that I did not panic at the price, but used his favorite quote "it's all about me!" The first pair was a pair of black 'Ella' sandals by Munro.

The second were 'Brook' a black loafer (with snakeskin) also by Munro. The last pair were a black pair of Mary Jane's named 'Saffron' by Sofft. I guess whatever clothing I buy now will have to go with 'basic black' or Topsider plaid!!