I have finally finished classes for this semester and am really looking forward to trying to jump start my creativity again. Looking back at one of my
previous posts on this same subject, I realize that it had some good advice! So as I clean up, unpack and restructure my downstairs space I am going to carve out my creative "studio" space. I have a lot planned for summer projects -- fall will be hopelessly busy with classes four days a week so I want to have the house unpacked and my creative self in a routine!

Here are my plans. First I have a christening gown to make for
Oliver Matthew Grim. The Bernina has been taken to the shop for a tune-up. The electronics guys who checked everything after the fire said it was in working order, but I still want it serviced so it will hum along as I work on the gown. I have narrowed the design down to two. Fabric and lace have been chosen and will be ordered when I make my final design choice. The christening date will be sometime late July or early August. My hope is to break my usual routine and have it done early.

Jenny gave me a wonderful "roll up" piano for Christmas last year. I asked my musical friend Caryn what book would be good to use as an adult for self teaching piano. I really have a basic understanding of music -- due to the really good music teachers I had in high school. I can read notes and scale, understand timing and know the difference between a sharp and a flat. With this book I hope to be able to play a simplified version of Fur Elise by Beethoven by the end of the summer.

One thing I have always wanted to do is draw/paint. Jenny has given me pencils and books to get me started, plus I have some of her 'left over' art supplies (c: I am going to unpack those and start sketching even if I am terrible. Practice makes perfect...right?

So, I thought I would start with one of my favorite things...Dragons! It will probably be way out of my realm of talent, but I am going to try them and maybe even Fairies.

If I want to be able to keep up my creative endeavors though my fall semester I am going to have to be proficient in math. So proficient that I don't have to worry about what we are covering in Math 106, 'Quantitative Reasoning.' So I will have to be spending time with this book too!
Then there are cookbooks, SciFi/Fantasy, philosophy, classics and a myriad of other books that are calling my name. Hopefully I will be able to enjoy some of them too.