Thursday, November 20, 2008

Move More

Morning numbers:
Nov. 20 - 116
Nov. 19 - 118
Nov. 18 - 110
Nov. 17 - 118
Nov. 16 - 114
Nov. 15 - 95

Target Normal: Below 100

My next step is simple. Move more. More activity = lower numbers.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I am normal today (c:

1. Fasting: Less than 100 mg/dl
2. Two hours after eating: Less than 140 mg/dl

Morning Numbers:
Nov. 14 - 91
Nov. 13 - 101
Nov. 12 - 107
Nov. 11 - 137

I am now able to see the effect of my increased Actos after the Prednisone surge.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Things are getting back on an even keel. My morning numbers are going down dramatically. Will post them tomorrow. I have been thinking that my next step may be a little more broad ... work on not looking like a barrel!! Will contemplate that for the next couple of days and come up with a workable strategy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My thoughts exactly!!

Five Ways To Get A Life
By Julie Morgenstern

Become more efficient and instantly transform the quality of your life—in five easy steps.

* Shorten your workday by 30 minutes. I promise you'll get more done than if you put in your usual nine to ten hours. That's because committing to leaving earlier gives you a deadline and forces you to eliminate the little time wasters (silly interruptions, procrastination, perfectionism) that eat up your day.

* Avoid multitasking. Recent studies show that it can take the brain twice as long to process each thing it's working on when switching back and forth between activities. By learning to focus fully on one project at a time, you can regain the extra hour or two you crave. Just don't squander it on mundane chores!

* Break the habit of total self-reliance. Insisting on doing everything yourself burdens you and prevents others from feeling valuable and needed. Delegate more at home and at work, and free your time for things you love and excel at.

* Capture all your to-dos in one place. People who haphazardly write lists on stray notepads, Post-its, and backs of envelopes waste time wondering what to do next and worrying that they're forgetting something. Choose only one tool (planner, Palm, notebook) to track everything you need to do, and prioritize from the top down. Start every morning with the most important item, not the many small, easy tasks. You can always squeeze the little things into the gaps. Conquering the big to-dos gives meaning to your day.

* Schedule one purely joyful activity each week. Think of an activity—dancing, reading, playing guitar—that you haven't done for a long time and that brings you instant happiness. Put it in your datebook as a nonnegotiable appointment with yourself, and watch the quality of your life transform.


I have come to the conclusion that my life would be alot more peaceful if I quit trying to multi-task everything. Work, Class, Home. After all ... the world will not end if I don't get it all done. I may have consequences, but such is the fabric of life. I am tired of being stressed out trying to accomplish everything at once. One thing at a time will get me there if not faster, at least a little more sane.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I hate prednisone!

Morning numbers:
Nov. 10 - 251
Nov. 9 - 148
Nov. 8 - 218
Nov. 7 - 214
Nov. 6 - 196
Nov. 5 - 113
Nov. 4 - 120
Nov. 3 - 110

At least I am still taking my numbers every morning. I have 3 more days after today of this stuff...all it does is make me hungry on top of everything else )c:

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I am getting so weary of this semester and my biggest hurdles are still to come. Merle and I were talking today of what kind of classes I should take next semester. I am going to rethink my classes ... after all I still have 4 more semesters to fit in the one 400 level Art History class I have left to take. The difference between Greek and Roman sculpture isn't exactly what I am dying to take. We ended up on a discussion of Graduate School. I have no desire to go there. I would rather spend my time learning to make mosaics, jewelry, travel to see these ancient places, or study these things in a less academic way. Right now I am just trudging forward ...looking forward to Spring 2011.