This fall my transcript and time ticket for registering for class finally said – Senior Status. I have projected that I will graduate in Spring 2011 (quite a ways from the Spring 2002 start). A month or so ago I stopped by the bookstore and Balfour was set up with their display of rings. I looked several times during the week, tried a few on, found out about prices – but nothing jumped out at me. Everything was light weight and just had no charisma for me. I don’t know what I was expecting . . . a divine revelation? I finally decided that I would rather have airfare for a trip and quietly put the brochure and price list away.
Through the windows of the book store this week I saw a ring display set up again. Even as I bought a Blue Book for my Tuesday night exam, I didn’t pay much attention since I thought I had seen them all. But yesterday I ducked into the Barnes and Nobel to wait for the rain to slow down before I dashed back to my office. I found myself in front of the rings again. After speaking with the woman behind the table I realized that this was Herff Jones not Balfour. As I glanced at the rings I saw some ‘fashion’ rings – not as many as Balfour had, the normal collegiate rings with stones, and a nice selection of signet rings. My eyes rested on one – the Viscount. It was perfect. The right size for my hand, not as small and light weight as the others I had previously tried on. I had one question – can I see it in white gold? As soon as I slipped the white gold version on my hand that was it! I ordered it on the spot.
I feel a little foolish – a little guilty – for spending the money. So much will have to be bought in the next few months with rebuilding of the townhouse and the replacement of lost things. My husband tells me that I deserve it – and will wear it proudly. It will be here in January.
Congrats! I think it is fantastic!
Your husband is absolutely right. Some things are earned and deserved, and this is one. Enjoy it and wear it with pride.
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